Saturday 15th April – Studland, Dorset​

"In opposite energies, we create balance." - Revive With Rachel

Rachel Huggins - Revive with Rachel

WHEN: Saturday 15th April
LOCATION: Studland Village Hall
TIME: 9.30am – 4.00pm


Join Rachel for a meditation practice to start the day followed by Yin and Yang Yoga practice.

Connecting to both the sun and earth element you will begin with a vibrant Vinyasa which will flow into a cool and calm Yin practice.

Aleksandra, the owner and creator of Herbedies, will then be joining us to talk all things herbal, natural remedies and tea blends. She will be bringing you enlightening knowledge on how these herbs can support vascular, immune and digestive systems. Experience the tastes and smells and


In the afternoon session we will joined by the wonderful Lilly Badcock who will be bringing you a Singing Reiki experience. Lilli will be facilitating a Sound Bath using her own unique Sing to Heal method. Guests will be guided through a deeply healing sounds meditation with the focus on aligning and activating each of the seven chakras and restoring energetic balance. Please do not worry, it will just be Lilli doing the singing, you are here for the pure relaxation!

 We will be closing the day with a reflections circle giving us the opportunity to look within.


  • Yoga mat
  •  Blanket, bolster, pillow, eye mask, cosy socks. Anything that makes your experience most
  • comfortable.
  • Water bottle and any extra snacks if required.
  • Walking shoes should you want to explore the area on your lunch break.
  • A journal or notebook and pen in case you want to write down any thoughts, feelings
  • experienced after your practice.
  • Please wear comfortable exercise clothes and layers to keep warm.

What is Yin Yang Energy?


Yin represents the grounded Earth energy. It is receptive, cool and dark, It is associated with the feminine energy which is ruled by the moon. Yin embodies softness and the sense of slowing down understanding that we receive rest in order to regenerate.


Yang energy is represented by the sun. It is light, expansive and somewhat reckless at time. It is governed by the fight or flight response of your nervous system. It embodies action, direction and focus. It is not good for anyone to be too stressed but a little stress is good for us, creating the ability to make those all-important life decisions and having the confidence to do so. It is represented by the colour white.